Grandfathers are important people. Recent research shows that grandfathering helps support grandchildren as they grow and develop.Have you celebrated your grandfather lately? If we’re lucky, we have t
Skip the mall (yes, its possible!) this holiday by gift giving in four unique ways. Read on to learn how.Whoever first sang “‘Tis the season to be jolly” surely didn’t have holiday shopping in mind.
Had enough of the constant buzz of your cellphone? It may be time for an analogue holiday, where all things digital are forfeited for real-life experiences. When was the last time you went a week—or e
Nashville\'s Thistle Farms helps women renew their lives, one lip balm at a time.When Becca Stevens started what would become Thistle Farms nearly two decades ago, she didn’t know much about making nat
Over $2 billion dollars a year is spent on marketing to children. That\'s a shift from targeting parents to directly targeting children as consumers.When today’s parents were growing up, we weren’t cou
\"Orchid children\" are kids that dislike change, notice subtle smells or emotions, and usually do well on tests but may fail if being watched.An “orchid child” is one who dislikes change, notices subtl
Women’s circles aren’t “just” about spiritual growth, emotional healing, social connection, intellectual stimulation, professional success, artistic expression, or physical health! They’re about all o