The French company Slow Control feels our pain, and to help, recently unveiled a prototype of its smart bottle holder, Baby Glgl, at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Its unfortunate name aside, the holder comes with a host of handy high-tech features: As CNET.com reports, it tracks when and how much your baby is consuming and uses a light to show whether you're holding the bottle at the proper angle. (Green light means your kiddo is drinking milk, red means she's taking in air). All of that info is then fed to a companion app, which offers on-the-go updates, a godsend if you want to know how your babe's feedings are going with her caregiver. Baby Glgl can accommodate any standard bottle and runs on triple A batteries, which spares you from having to keep up with yet another charger.
Slow Control is currently working on getting its superhero holder on store shelves, which could happen as early as this coming June. Of course, all this technology doesn't come cheap — the company expects the bottle holder to sell for around $100. That's a big chunk of change for something that can't even wash itself. But I suppose like most other high-tech baby gadgets out there, if Baby Glgl can help make your child more comfortable after meals and buy you a little peace and quiet, it may be worth the price. What do you think — would you spend money on one?
Bonnie Gibbs Vengrow is a New York City-based writer and editor who traded in her Blackberry and Metro card for playdates and PB&J sandwiches—and the once-in-a-lifetime chance to watch her feisty, funny son grow up.Follow her on Twitter, Pinterest, and Google
Image of baby drinking from bottle courtesy of