New Year, New Hot Names?

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Happy New Year! We may already be a few days into 2013, but we'll still have to wait until spring to get the official word on what baby names are up and coming—and which ones are on the decline. But I made a few predictions as to what's going to be the cool new set of names for 2013.

For boys, I'm seeing Camden, Magnus and Atticus as the new up-and-comer names, thanks to some well-selected celebrity baby names—and people looking for a fresh alternative to the Braden, Caden, Jaden, Aiden crew that's been dominating the top boys' names for nearly a decade now.

For girls, names with unique endings sound fresh for this year. While The Em- and El- names may still dominate the top 20 (we're talking Emma, Emily, Ella,and Elena), people are looking for fresher sounding names. I'd look at names like Angelique, which moved up 250 spots on the list in the last year alone, and Penelope, picked by Tina Fey and Kourtney Kardashian, which seems likely to move up in popularity in 2013.

For middle names, I think offbeat choices are going to become even more popular. We're talking nature/outdoorsy names like Rue, Snow, Lark and West. The middle name is one place where people feel comfortable letting their creativity go wild.

What names do you think are on the upswing? I'd love to hear your predictions for what's going to be hot in 2013! And don't forget to like In Name Only on Facebook, so you can keep up on the latest in baby names.

Image: prosotphoto/


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